Saturday, July 4, 2020

My transformation thru CTF

On a calm August Saturday afternoon, as is usually my routine, I watched TV and browse social media apps, namely, Facebook and Whatsapp. I chanced upon Arfeen's advert and registered for the Live Preview event the same evening at Hilton Hotel, Anna Salai, Chennai. I attended the preview of the CTF program by Smitha Nair sometime in August 2019. What were my reasons to enroll for the Coach to Fortune program? I was having a job with a top IT company. So career-wise, I was doing fairly well. There were a few personal challenges at work, but I knew how to deal with them. I had got a divorce in 2015 and had just started a long-distance relationship in the year 2017. The relationship was going fairly well too, although on the slow lane for about two years. So good job, check. Good relationship, check. Healthwise, I had been having recurrent problems with my eyes, such as boils, etc. and these were minor irritants. On the Financial front, I was burdened with home loan EMIs which took a considerable portion of my salary. Since the year 2014, I had been wanting to become an entrepreneur, but I didn't know how to. I had discussed with my parents on a couple of options to start my own business but didn't get much moral support from them because they had no experience in running or managing a business either. So, the entrepreneurship streak was still alive in me, although lying dormant.
If I'd to place my fingers on some things, that I was sorely lacking in my life, they were my urge to be financially independent, become a successful entrepreneur and to lead a satisfying relationship. I had no clue about these three things. When I heard Smitha's story, I got confidence that I too could start my own business, and looking at the skills needed, it seemed like I wouldn't need to cross a mountain. After signing up for the program, I started attending the Mastermind meets and in each of them, I was learning and discovering newer things about myself. The program itself had given me a framework to identify my Inner DNA, my Integrated Power Coding, and my Outcomes+, Unleashing Myself, and creating My Success Blueprint.
While I went through the Integrated Power Coding module, I ended up with 6 N-codes. I came to know that I had a N-code about Love, that Love must be earned. Another N-code that I had was about my being dicey about starting a business, that I had no idea how to start a business. In this blog, I will just focus on these two N-codes and how transforming my thoughts around these two had a profound impact in my life. I will also touch upon briefly how I had blocks identifying my exciting real Outcomes when I underwent the Outcomes+ module. As I stepped through the Integrated Power Coding module and identified the E-code for my Love N-code, it seemed like a simple yet powerful way to overcome my failings in relationships. I knew what was holding me back in loving someone freely and when I removed the block, love came rushing to me abundantly. To this day, in my journey of self-discovery, my biggest transformation has been in love. Now, I can confidently say that I am a recipient of love from everyone I know and also, that I love everyone I know. I was still clueless about starting my own business, but that breakthrough came later, as I proceeded through the other modules and went into the Certification week.
As I went through the Outcomes+ module, it was becoming hard for me to list down my fifty outcomes. I could list at the most, 10 outcomes, after which I hit a mental block. Every time, I attempted to list an outcome, my mind used to go blank and I could not list one more outcome. That is when my Mastermind Coach, Dhivya helped by teaching a technique of breathing in and breathing out which helped my brain to relax and focus on what I wanted as outcomes. As I endeavored to list my fifty outcomes, my Mastermind coaches helped me to unbox my imagination and list out some daring outcomes that I could not have listed if I had not attended the CTF Mastermind.
Then I learned the ultimate trick taught in Unleash Myself and created my own Success Blueprint. Then came the Certification week, when I had to create videos of me coaching others. I had done the videos along with three other fellow CTF aspirant coaches and submitted these videos for Certification. After about a week of submitting the videos, I got the Certification email. I had acquired Certification, just before the lockdown due to Covid-19 started. After the certification, came the marketing campaign. I was super excited to continue the journey of self-discovery that I had come across thru CTF. Before I close this blog, I like to point out that I have been reiterating to myself that I am a Business Mastermind. I have found many more worthy things to do than watching TV. I use Social media apps sparingly and judiciously. That's also a personal transformation that I credit CTF for.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very well expressed the journey of CTF.Every individual goes through this change and yours is amazing one.wishing you connect to your purpose of life soon 😊

About Me

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I wanted to be a brahmachari all my life when I was 16. I wanted to become a singer when I was 19. I want to be neither now. I started becoming a computer programmer when I was 22. But I am more of an imperfect human being than anything else, but I am evolving.

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