Sunday, May 23, 2010

20 questions every spiritual seeker should answer

20 questions for every spiritual seeker. I have tried to answer them to the best of my knowledge at this point. I will revisit in 5 years.

Q: Why is there poverty and suffering in the world?
A: Why should there not be poverty and suffering in the world?
Q: What is the relationship between science and religion?
A: Science tries to answer mysteries of life in a material way that religion has answered holistically.
Q: Why are so many people depressed?
A: You are asking the wrong person. I am not depressed at all.
Q: What are we all so afraid of?
A: We are afraid that we may not be able to enjoy the pleasures of earth if we did not have money or if we were not important people in society.
Q: When is war justifiable?
A: War is justified to free oppressed from suffering.
Q: How would God want us to respond to aggression and terrorism?
A: Don't respond at all. What is the worst, aggression and terrorism, can do to anyone?
Q: How does one obtain true peace?
A: By living in the present and experiencing the current - whether it is good or bad.
Q: What does it mean to live in the present moment?
A: Experience this moment, your own breathing; observe everything around you and how mind responds to each, with like or dislike.
Q: What is our greatest distraction?
A: The thought that we can achieve something greater than what has already been achieved.
Q: Is current religion serving its purpose?
A: A religion is only as good as the people who follow it,
Q: What happens to you after you die?
A: We are born again until we are free of karma - both good and bad.
Q: Describe heaven and how to get there.
A: Heaven is right here inside us. If we experience it, we need not seek it outside us.
Q: What is the meaning of life?
A: Life is like a station. No one stays there forever. They move on to other places.
Q: Describe God.
A: I don't know who or what God is. God seems to come in mundane forms at regular intervals to dispel fear of death.
Q: What is the greatest quality humans possess?
A: If there is a great quality that transcends all humans regardless of ethnicity or nationality - it is love.
Q: What is it that prevents people from living to their full potential?
A: Their craving for many things mundane. This is also called "Maya" in some cultures.
Q: Noverbally, by motion or gesture only, act out what you believe to be the current condition of the world.
Q: What is your one wish for the world?
A: One wish is that people realize that they are here on earth for a reason and regardless of who they are ot what they do, they are essentially the same.
Q: What is wisdom and how do we gain it?
A: Wisdome is overcoming all fear. We can gain that only by confronting every fear possible.
Q: Are we all one?
A: Yes.

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I wanted to be a brahmachari all my life when I was 16. I wanted to become a singer when I was 19. I want to be neither now. I started becoming a computer programmer when I was 22. But I am more of an imperfect human being than anything else, but I am evolving.

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