Saturday, April 18, 2015

I have a loan pending in xyz bank and I take a loan to pay it. Is this allowed?

You are taking a loan to pay another loan. In effect, you are robbing Peter to pay Paul. What's the interest rate (Int 1) you have to pay for the loan with xyz bank (Loan 1) and what's the interest rate (Int 2) for the fresh loan you're going to take (Loan 2)? If Int 1 < Int 2, do not take loan 2. If Int 2 < Int 1, you can take loan 2. Am I missing any possibilities?

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I wanted to be a brahmachari all my life when I was 16. I wanted to become a singer when I was 19. I want to be neither now. I started becoming a computer programmer when I was 22. But I am more of an imperfect human being than anything else, but I am evolving.

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