Saturday, April 18, 2015

I want to start a business and I have 1.5 lacs of capital. What should I do?

1. Ideate (what is the one problem you would solve that you can charge customers for? what is the one area where people want to spend their money to become more happy, which you can service? etc.) 2. Convert your idea into a money-maker 3. Have a plan with the steps needed to mint money out of your idea. 4. Execute the plan. 5. Start making money.

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About Me

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I wanted to be a brahmachari all my life when I was 16. I wanted to become a singer when I was 19. I want to be neither now. I started becoming a computer programmer when I was 22. But I am more of an imperfect human being than anything else, but I am evolving.

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