Saturday, April 18, 2015

Can Pune surpass Mumbai economically in the coming 10 years or 50 years?

The reason Mumbai has grown and is still growing is because of its cosmopolitan nature. Pune on the other hand is less cosmopolitan with a large stress on Marathi manoos sentiment. For any city to grow in India, with its diverse population, it has to attract the best of talent from all parts of the country and the world. Given Mumbai is known in the entire world, it is definitely the choice of talented people across the world. Pune, no, it cannot surpass Mumbai, economically or otherwise in a zillion generations.

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I wanted to be a brahmachari all my life when I was 16. I wanted to become a singer when I was 19. I want to be neither now. I started becoming a computer programmer when I was 22. But I am more of an imperfect human being than anything else, but I am evolving.

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